New Unity withdraws from government talks with KPV LV

Take note – story published 5 years and 9 months ago

The New Unity party board has decided against continuing talks with the KPV LV party over forming a new government, after KPV LV's prime ministerial nominee Aldis Gobzems announced an erratic plan, saying he would invite unspecified non-elected individuals to form a "government of professionals".

The New Unity party still thinks that it's possible to form a stable right-of-center majority government, but under another candidate for PM, the party told the press.

"Within almost a fortnight, the process of forming a government has not moved a bit. We have defined clearly that we will support a stable, long-term right-of-center majority government, but we still have not received a clear answer as to the make-up of the nascent coalition. We are under the impression that all is being done to make the pro-Kremlin Harmony party part of the government. Likewise, we have doubt that Gobzems has support in his own party," said Unity head Krišjānis Kariņš. 

Meanwhile the Greens and Farmers Union told LSM that the party is waiting for Gobzems' new offer that is to come on December 10. 

Development/For! leader Juris Pūce, however, has asked the other parties to "put an end to this farce". He also stated that the current chaos is part of the plan of former politician, businessman and oligarch Ainārs Šlesers.

"I've a question to the president: is it not high time for the man, who gave the monkey a hand grenade, to take it back?" he said.

Similarly, the New Conservative Party indicated it would not support the unusual plan proposed by Gobzems, saying it was "not serious".


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