Food & drink
How much cheese does a Latvian eat?
How much cheese does a Latvian eat?
One resident of Latvia consumes on average 22 kilograms of cheese and cottage cheese per year, the head of Latvian dairy farmer's central union (LPCS) Jānis Šolks told Latvian Radio on June 26.
What's on the menu for Latvia's armed forces?
What's on the menu for Latvia's armed forces?
Latvia's military personnel should soon be enjoying that nice, full feeling thanks to the introduction of new and improved dry rations, the National Armed Forces (NBS) said June 22.
Can Latvia grow its buckwheat and eat it too?
Can Latvia grow its buckwheat and eat it too?
Buckwheat has become a product of strategic importance in times of great unknowns – store shelves were quickly emptied at the beginning of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Though Latvia grows buckwheat, in shops, the country of origin is usually indicated as someplace else. Latvian Television's 4.studija aired on June 9 sought why.
Stockpiling food a growing trend, says survey
Stockpiling food a growing trend, says survey
A survey by the Baltic supermarket chain Maxima suggests that stockpiling food remains popular among consumers even with the falling-away of epidemiological restrictions that prompted it during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We hereby declare 'cold soup' season open!
We hereby declare 'cold soup' season open!
It is not the appearance of the sun, nor of the tulips, nor even of heavily-perspiring men in ill-fitting sandals that signals that summer has finally arrived in Latvia. It is the appearance of a luminous pink soup with a sliced boiled egg floating in the middle like an all-seeing eye with a sprig of dill as a garish eyelash garnish.
Cesvaine 'Russian' cheese no longer 'Russian'
Cesvaine 'Russian' cheese no longer 'Russian'
The dairy producer Cesvaines piens (Cesvaine milk) has decided to rename its Krievijas or 'Russian' cheese to Tilzītes (Tilsiter), the company's representative Zane Baķe said April 25.
Four recipes for leftover Easter eggs
Four recipes for leftover Easter eggs
In case you are among those who have dyed and boiled enough eggs for a small village, LSM's Latvian language service offers four simple recipes with traditional and non-traditional Latvian ingredients to make your life easier.
Food Union cuts ties with Russia and Belarus
Food Union cuts ties with Russia and Belarus
The Latvian-based food producer group Food Union has cut "all ties with partners and Russia and also in Belarus", Latvian Television's investigative broadcast Forbidden Method reported March 14.
Cido Group stops exports to Russia and Belarus
Cido Group stops exports to Russia and Belarus
In connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Latvian beverage producer Cido Group has stopped exports to Russia and Belarus, Cido said in a release March 11.


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