Rīga finally plans to install new shelters at bus stops

The first new shelters are to be installed at public transport stops in Rīga this year, Latvian Radio found out from the City Council August 9.

More than three years ago, due to a dispute between the council and the owner of the bus stops, the municipality dismantled bus shelters in many places in the city but did not install new ones.

Despite repeated promises to do so, no builders have come forward for the tenders.

The latest tender has been successful, but a complaint was lodged about a month ago and was examined this week by the procurement committee.

"If this supply contract is allowed, the first bus shelters could actually be delivered in about a couple of months. The first list and the first plan is 244 bus stops," said Andrejs Urtāns, head of the Riga City Council's Transport Infrastructure Department.

"We will see how many of them we can manage to install this year, and how many will move to the beginning of next year. A lot depends on the contract, on the production," Urtāns said.

A total of 500 shelters are to be installed. The next ones will be installed next year and the year after.

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