Authority orders redo of two road sections over quality breaches

Due to significant non-compliances, Latvian State Roads (Latvijas Valsts ceļi, LVC) has ordered the contractor to rebuild repaired roads at two sites, LVC said on June 18.

LVC said that the Road Competence Center carries out quality inspections at construction sites by taking samples and carrying out measurements and testing in its Road Laboratory.

This year, unscheduled quality inspections have already been carried out on 28 sites, where 52 samples have been taken.

Currently, 30 samples from 16 worksites have been assessed and 12 tests have revealed major or minor non-conformities.

Significant non-conformities in two sites required the contractor to rebuild the non-conforming work.

On km 0-6.99 of the local road Ričiki-Kivdolova (V525), the contractor had to dismantle 980 meters of gravel base made of substandard material. The construction work is being carried out by SC grupa Ltd, with "OU Teede insenerid" providing construction supervision.

In the case of the resurfacing of the regional road P32 in Nītaure, where the works are carried out by SIA VIA and the construction supervision by SIA ACM Projekts, the contractor had to dismantle an asphalt concrete sub-base constructed of inappropriate material.

Last year, 3 647 samples were taken and 12 025 tests were carried out on worksites on the national road network.

LVC has observed that this year the trend has continued that the number of non-conformities detected in inspections carried out by the LVC Road Competence Centre is higher than in inspections carried out by construction supervision, which indicates that construction supervisors on construction sites do not always do their job properly.

This year, construction works are planned on 450 kilometers of national roads, of which 123 kilometers will be road resurfacing, 193 kilometers - asphalt concrete resurfacing, 18 kilometers - asphalt concrete single surface treatment, 67 kilometers - gravel double surface treatment and 10 kilometers - gravel resurfacing. A further 34 kilometers are planned for road safety projects.

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