Over 1,000 drivers banned from Bolt Drive for reckless driving

Risk to public safety is the main reason why the car-sharing company Bolt Drive has already removed more than 1,000 drivers from its platform, Latvian Television reported October 21.

Since the company started operating in Latvia in 2022, speeders and drunk drivers have lost the chance to use their rental car. The company actively cooperates with the State Police to react as quickly as possible.

"We block and exclude those who blatantly break the rules. Either they are speeding or traffic offenders daily, or the police report that a user has been driving under the influence of alcohol. Such users are excluded. The same applies if they lose their driving license. This is a relatively high number. And our main objective is to ensure public safety. We use all possible means within our competence," said Edvīns Kažoks, Head of Bolt Drive in Latvia.

Many Bolt Drive vehicles are equipped with advanced safety systems, including a telemetry system that monitors users' driving habits.

Bolt's scooter users can also be banned or temporarily blocked for reckless riding.

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