The weather is great outside. We've been up for a while and are waiting for Tania to wake up. After some time she leaves her room and says our hike will have to wait a while as Monia wants to come with but she has to finish schoolwork.
Septītās dienas statistika
Iztērēti 11.30€, tai skaitā:
2.85€*2 - sendviči pusdienām kalnā;
1.50€*4 - karstvīns.
Stopēšanas kausa izcīņa:
Arvils 10+1:5 Elvijs
After about an hour Monia and Felix are knocking on the door. Now five in all, we depart towards the bus to take us to the place from which we'll start our hike.
At first the trail is very steep and with many tree roots. We're half out of breath within ten minutes. There are many people around - those going down, and those climbing up. There are many cyclists who're trying to pull their bikes up the rooty trail.
After a little while we're in our first stop. There's a cafe in a small house, children are playing in the playground, loud music is playing outside and ponies and goats are grazing in pastures.
Further we pick a road that's less steep. To make the hike more interesting we start singing and keep the tempo up shouting "Left! Left! One, two, three!"
We won't be scaling the mountaintops as we're here too late in the day. Otherwise we'd have to descend in complete darkness.
Altogether we've climbed for about three hours until we arrive at a house 1,600 above sea level. We're about five times above Gaiziņš [Latvia's highest hill at 312m - editor], which is nothing in comparison to the mountains.
Our goal is completed! We've gotten to Innsbruck and seen and scaled the Alps within a week's time.
Time to go down. We descend via a very steep and muddy path. It's slippery and stones are tumbling down the mountain.
We start somersaulting down the slope, sliding down the grass and playing catch. We reach the place from which we started in about an hour.
This is our last night in Innsbruck so we want to once again see the people we've met. Tania feels ill after the hike, her palms are swollen and she's feeling sick. She stays home but her flatmate Verena invites us to drink mulled wine with her and Stefa and participate in a beerpong contest at Stefi's afterwards.
She lives near so soon we're at her place and meet her friend Stepan from the Czech Republic. He wants to know how it went for us in his country.
We party for a while until we have to go to the bus to Monia's to say our goodbyes.
Up until now this is my favorite day of the trip, and I don't want to leave Innsbruck just yet. However we must do it if we want to reach our next goal. And what is that?
We're going to Murcia in Spain. In the morning we're on our way again, hoping for warm weather and beautiful beaches. We've decided to go through Italy, Monaco and France.