This is the latest installment of LSM's English-subtitled series of documentary films entitled Latvian Code and selected in a contest held by Latvian Public Television (LTV). This year’s second film to be featured is Armands Začs' Deniss that shows a moving story of a young stand up comedian making light of boredom and apathy through laughter.
Deniss. Documentary. Latvia, 2016.
Deniss is a Russian-speaking young man working at a fast food chain and spending his days in a small, gloomy apartment where all the things still remind him of his dead grandmother.
Once a week he takes the stage, becoming a stand-up comedian. His jokes come from his life, which might be called dull as well as bleak, and, as he puts it, his 'uninteresting biography'.
Director: Armands Začs
"I'm neither entirely Latvian, nor entirely Russian. So my grandfather had some Latvian blood... on his hands... Right. That's a good start."