The State Regional Development Agency (VRAA), which has taken over the preparation of the electoral systems, points out that reading the current ballots can be problematic and is not intuitive for the voter.
In the Latvian electoral system, you can either not mark your ballot paper at all or put a 'plus' sign next to the candidates you like, or cross out the names of the candidates you don't like. This moves them up and down the list.
A common mistake is to put a minus sign in the diamond intended for plus signs, instead of crossing out the name of a candidate, as shown in focus group research.
The CVK has explained that this change in the electoral ballot paper model is necessary to ensure automatic vote counting in future elections, as well as in referendums.
The new ballot paper design proposes to replace the existing diamonds next to candidates' names with green and red squares, one of which a voter could mark to express particular support or dislike for a particular candidate.
This would be easy to read with scanners and would also be easier for the voter to understand, said a spokesperson for the State Regional Development Agency, who chose not to reveal her name.
The Saeima will consider the amendments to the law in three readings without making it an urgent matter (which would require only two readings).
Kristīne Saulīte, head of the CVK, stressed that the changes to the law should enter into force by the end of October. At the same time, the CVK will launch a major campaign to communicate and promote the new voting procedure in the media, social networks and elsewhere.
In the Saeima, only the New Unity faction is opposing the changes, arguing that they are taking place too close to the next elections.