According to the NBS tweet Latvian Naval Forces patrol boat P-09 sighted the corvette Stereguschiy as well as an unnamed Kilo-class submarine 5.7 miles from Latvia’s EEZ maritime territories. The photo shows a Kilo-class submarine being launched from a St.Petersburg shipyard in June.
LVA patrol boat P-09 on 3 AUG spotted RU Naval ship Stereguschiy and Kilo-class submarine 5,7 miles from LVA exclusive economic zone.
— NBS (@Latvijas_armija) August 3, 2014
This latest encounter with Russia’s intimidating military might comes just two days after NATO Baltic Air Policing (BAP) planes scrambled to intercept a Russian Armed Forces jet and transport aircraft in the skies over the Baltic Sea Friday.
Also recently naval forces encountered Russian military vessels in neutral waters just off Latvia's maritime territories on July 22, as well as in June.