Saeima to decide on sending MPs to Latvian language test

The Saeima will have to decide whether to send MP Viktors Pučka (For Stability!) for an in-depth state language test, the Saeima's Mandates, Ethics, and Submissions Committee decided Wednesday in a closed part of the session, Latvian Radio reports.

On the initiative of the New Unity and the National Alliance MPs, two draft decisions had been prepared on sending Viktors Pučka and Jefimijs Klementjevs for Latvian language testing. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Saeima, both drafts were referred to the Saeima Committee on Mandates, Ethics and Submissions. It took up the task on October 23 in a closed session, with the participation of the two MPs and representatives of the State Language Center.

In the vote, MPs decided not to support the application to send Jefimijs Klementjevs for an in-depth state language test as his language skill was found to be sufficient, but to support the referral of Viktors Pučka for a state language test. Both MPs' fates, however, will still be decided on by the parliament.

The decision was discussed behind closed doors, so the head of the commission, Jānis Vucāns (Greens and Farmers Union), did not comment on the decision in detail, but outlined his arguments.

"Jefimijs Klementjevs needs to improve his language skills to the highest C2 level. My reasoning is that all MPs who are elected to parliament each represent a section of society and it is important that when we represent our constituents we understand what parliament is about and know how to argue. Then our presence in Parliament is meaningful. In this sense, I think that the work of Jefimijs Klementjevs in the Saeima is meaningful. As for Viktors Pučka - well, there is a need for a check," Vucāns said.

Klementjevs went for a Latvian language test at the State Language Center four months ago and there his skills were found to be insufficient.

Pučka, on the other hand, has been avoiding the test for a long time but went for it on Tuesday. He commented briefly today on how he had fared, with the help of the faction leader, Aleksejs Rosļikovs.

"I think well. The National Language Centre, not well. Not at the highest level of language proficiency. The State Language Centre said C1, but you need C2," said Pučka.

Klementjevs reiterated that he has continued to learn Latvian and has made progress since the test at the State Language Center.

"I had a test at the State Language Centre four months ago. Now I believe I am improving my Latvian language skills. It was also assessed by the commission that my knowledge is at a level that does not interfere with my work in the Saeima. I understand, I read documents, I make proposals. There are grammar problems because my mother tongue is Russian, but I understand everything," Klementjevs explained.

The Saeima will decide on sending the deputies to the state language proficiency test on October 31. If the majority of the Saeima decides to send a Member of Parliament for a retest, it must be carried out at the National Centre for Educational Content within five months.

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