Rēzekne's former mayor accused of false financial declarations

The prosecutor's office has accused former Rēzekne Mayor Aleksandrs Bartasevičs (Together for Latvia) of making false statements in a declaration, Latvian Television reported May 20.

In a pre-trial investigation, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) found that Bartaševičs had failed to provide full information in his declarations as a public official on transactions with real estate and natural persons totaling almost EUR 270,000 between 2007 and 2023.

Evidence shows that information on two real estate properties in Bulgaria, jointly owned with a relative, was not provided. Nor are the transactions carried out with these properties indicated.

As a result of the pre-trial investigation, the KNAB urged the Prosecutor's Office to prosecute the former Mayor of Rezekne for providing false information in a declaration, where the false information is given in respect of assets of a large amount. Charges have now been brought. 

Aleksander Bartasevičs denies his guilt and explains that the property belongs to his wife.

There is also a case against Bartaševičs on the disclosure of restricted information.

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