19-year-old Gabriels Mutors from Ogre has been prescribed treatment for a malignant tumor, but unfortunately the family cannot afford it due to its very high cost – nearly half a million euros, with the state willing to contribute only 3% of the costs.
Two years ago, Silvestrs' and Ivanda's son Gabriel was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his back. The young man has undergone several sessions of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and operations, but the disease has still not been overcome. The cancer could potentially be cured with a special drug prescribed to the boy by a board of doctors, but the cost is outrageous.
"Together, we need to collect 482,490 euros. Half a million euros... The support given by the National Health Service (NVD) is 14,228 euros," Silvestrs said.
Gabriel's mom, Ivanda, is currently the only one in the family working. Gabriel needs to be taken to the doctors, and his father – a merchant sailor by profession – doesn't go to sea anymore because he cannot be away from his son for months at a time.
"The board of doctors of Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital has prescribed drugs that significantly exceed the amount of compensation available for medication several times.
"We don't know what to think. I've also read various articles about these drugs that they are currently the most effective against this particular neuroblastoma for Gabriel," Silvestrs says.
The decision to turn to charity portal Ziedot.lv was not easy for the family, but there are no other options. At the time of Latvian Television's report on August 14, just under 50,000 euros had been donated towards Gabriels' treatment, but by lunchtime on Augist 15 that had risen nearly three-fold to 140,000 euros.
Currently, Gabriels is prescribed chemotherapy to stop the tumor from spreading. Consequently he is confined at home where he is cheered up by his cat and his cheerful dog Archie
His ambition is: "To live. Just to live normally. A full life."
Meanwhile, Ivanda, Gabriels' mother, is grateful to all who are helpig her son have a chance at life: "I want to say a huge, huge thank you to all the fellow human beings who have supported us in this difficult moment and donated or helped in any other way. Thank you very much!"
If you would like to contribute to Gabriels' appeal, you can do so easily and safely at the official Ziedot.lv charity portal here: https://www.ziedot.lv/en/aid-to-gabriels-mutors-5090