Rīta Panorāma

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Rīta Panorāma

Igaunijā veidos krīzes situāciju rezervistu vienību

Studenšu korporācija "Imeria" rīko sievietes cieņai un drošībai veltītu akciju

Student body walks along sea to focus on respect for women

From September 12 to 15, the student corporation Imeria is organizing a march along the Latvian seashore "Apjoz jūru" (Wrap the Sea) to draw attention to the dignity and safety of women. Anyone can join the march, representatives of the corporation Elīna Meiere-Taulavičus and Anete Vilne told Latvian Television on September 13.

"We may not think about women's dignity or mutual respect in everyday life, but violence is still a big problem. According to statistics, one in three women is a victim of violence, so it is important to draw attention to it. Violence can affect any of us, regardless of our social status," said Vilne.

As part of the campaign, the corporation is calling for donations to the women's rights protection center "Marta". It is also possible to join the march by following the women on the Imeria website.

"Our greatest satisfaction will be if donations to the Marta Centre increase during the campaign, said Meiere-Taulavičus,", adding that as part of the campaign, donations can be made to the Marta Center with the message "Imeria 100. For the dignity and safety of women."

This year, Imeria is celebrating its 100th year and is the fourth oldest corporation in Latvia, Vilne said. There are about 200 Imerians in Latvia and the same number of members in other countries around the world.

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