No precipitation is expected on Saturday, and the sun will often appear between the clouds. On Friday night, the temperature will drop no lower than + 2 Celsius to + 7 Celsius, then during Saturday day the air temperature will warm up to between + 10 C and +15 C in most areas, but cooler on the coast of the Gulf of Riga and North Kurzeme at around 8 degrees Celisus.
Clouds will increase from the south on Sunday. Rain and sleet are expected in Latgale region in the morning, and later it will also rain a little in other parts of Latvia. The air temperature could drop close to freezing early on Sunday morning, but during the day it will reach + 7 C to +12 C in most districts with in Latgale and eastern parts of Vidzeme cooler at only around 5 degrees.
Easterly winds will prevail during the holidays, which will be gustier on Saturday and slower on Sunday.
Temperatures are expected to rise again early next week as high as +14 C. The sun will mix with clouds and mostly dry weather with gentle winds, which could mean classic springtime conditions, with a bit of luck.