EM to plan Latvia's move away from Russian gas

Take note – story published 2 years and 5 months ago

The Ministry of Economics (EM) will present an offer that Latvia refuses Russian gas supplies as of January 1, 2023, at the meeting of the coalition parties on Monday, Economics Minister Jānis Vitenbergs (National Alliance) said in an interview on Latvian Radio April 11.

The Minister said that the EM would offer Latvia to participate in the project of the Paldiski terminal in Estonia and Finland. Vitenbergs said that, in his view, it is the only option to launch liquefied gas supplies already in the fall of this year.

“There is a lot of talk about the need for an additional terminal in the region, and this is the only chance to start a real operation in the autumn of this year,” said Vitenbergs.

In assessing the potential costs, Vitenbergs said that Estonia's offer to develop the Paldiski terminal was that each of the countries involved covered them as a percentage of the previous year's consumed gas volumes.

“For Latvia, consumption from this region could be around a third, but we cannot name a specific amount yet, because the Estonian counterpart is still talking to potential investors about the lease of this ferry,” said Vitenbergs.

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