Latvia to financially support Lebanese Red Cross

Take note – story published 4 years and 1 month ago

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ĀM) will transfer EUR 50 000 to the Lebanese Red Cross for the prevention of the consequences of the explosion in the port of Beirut, the Cabinet decided on Tuesday, 11 August.

On 4 August, two powerful explosions shook the Lebanese capital city Beirut. At least 100 people have been buried in the rubble and 5,000 injured. The explosions have caused major damage to infrastructure, leaving about 300 thousand people homeless.

The Ministry pointed out that the cause of the explosions is not clear at the moment. The Government of Lebanon, through the NATO's Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre and the European Union Emergency Response Coordination Centre, as well as diplomatic channels, has sought assistance: a team of investigators identifying potential chemical pollution, individual protective equipment, fire-fighting, personal protective equipment and equipment for medical workers to provide first aid, high-definition satellite images for damage identification, medical goods and equipment, personal protective equipment impermeable to chemical pollution, according to newswire LETA.

ĀM said that, in assessing Latvia's current possibilities, it was concluded that the most rapid and effective aid to Lebanon would be financial aid, which led to the decision of a contribution of EUR 50 000 to the Lebanese Red Cross.

These EUR 50 000 will be taken from contingency funds.

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