Security service probing if Latvian citizen is fighting for Russian invaders

Take note – story published 1 year and 8 months ago

Latvia's State Security Service (VDD) said January 4 it was investigating suspicions that a Latvian citizen is participating in Russia's war in Ukraine – on the aggressor's side.

"On December 30, 2022, the State Security Service (VDD) initiated criminal proceedings against a citizen of Latvia in connection with suspicions of illegal participation in the war started by Russia against Ukraine," the VDD said in a release.

The criminal probe was launched in accordance with Article 77.1 of the Criminal Code, which outlaws "active participation in an armed conflict taking place outside the territory of the Republic of Latvia, which is directed against the territorial integrity or political independence of a country or is otherwise contrary to international law binding on the Republic of Latvia."

The VDD said it had noted several videos on the Internet, in which a person in military clothing with symbols typical of the Russian armed forces expresses support for Russia and a hostile attitude towards the defenders of Ukraine, including Latvians aiding the defense of Ukraine. The name of the individual under investigation was not mentioned by the VDD.

"The information obtained in the course of the VDD investigation shows that the person is probably in the territory of the Donbas region in Ukraine currently occupied by Russia and is participating in the hostilities of the Russian armed forces, which are directed against the territorial integrity of Ukraine," the VDD said, adding that the investigation in this criminal process continues and the VDD will provide additional information about the progress of the investigation as it proceeds.

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