Vita Anstrate

Latvian Television

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Hospitals will have to save space for urgent care patients
Hospitals will have to save space for urgent care patients
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, regional and university hospitals will have to save 15% of beds for new patients taken in by Emergency Medical Service (NMPD), Daina Mūrmane-Umbraško, State Secretary for the Ministry of Health, told Latvian Television October 29.
Workers lack for COVID-19 testing in Latvia
Workers lack for COVID-19 testing in Latvia
As of Monday, COVID-19 tests will be free only with a referral. It is not money and reagents that is lacking - it is the capacity of laboratories and employees, Latvian Television reported October 23.
Foreign adoption process to be improved
Foreign adoption process to be improved
The Saeima's responsible commission agreed to improve the procedures for the adoption and post-adoption supervision of Latvian children abroad, Latvian Television reported September 9.
Schools left to own devices on learning organization
Schools left to own devices on learning organization
This year, safety measures to limit COVID-19 will present additional difficulties for pupils and educators. The Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) has developed recommendations on how to organize teaching, but the best model will be chosen by each school itself, Latvian Radio said August 19.
Kremlin propaganda channel “RT” banned in Latvia
Kremlin propaganda channel “RT” banned in Latvia
The National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP), in compliance with sanctions imposed by the Council of the European Union (EU), has decided to ban the distribution of seven “RT” (“Russia Today”) group channels, which are the most influential Russian propaganda channels in the West, informed NEPLP on June 30.
Major train deal can finally leave the station
Major train deal can finally leave the station
The Procurement Monitoring Bureau has turned down a complaint filed by Spanish company Patentes Talgo S.L. (Talgo) about procurement of new electric trains by Latvia's publicly-owned joint-stock company Pasažieru Vilciens (Passenger Train), permitting the Latvian company to sign a previously agreed contract with Czech company Škoda Vagonka (ŠV).
Thousands partake in mass cycling event
Thousands partake in mass cycling event
On May 1, a couple thousand cyclists partook in the annual Critical Mass event, which aims to attract attention to the perceived lack of cycling infrastructure in Rīga. Condemned by the authorities, the polarizing event saw motor transport blocked across Rīga; nevertheless, some officials, like the Transport Minister, participated as well.
Teachers to go on strike if new budget doesn't include wage rise
Teachers to go on strike if new budget doesn't include wage rise
Educators across Latvia are to strike at the Saeima in March if the government does not include a wage rise for teachers in the new budget, with teachers saying they will strike during the exit exams if this strike action does not work, reported LTV.
No wage rise for teachers this year
No wage rise for teachers this year
The new government of Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) has ruled that there won't be a wage raise for teachers this year, despite the previous government's plan of a hike to €750 instead of the current €710 a month, the PM told the press February 7.
Latvia sends diplomatic note to Ukraine over tax haven status
Latvia sends diplomatic note to Ukraine over tax haven status
Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has sent a note to Ukraine - a form of initial official protest drawing attention to a topic of perceived importance - over Latvia's inclusion on a Ukrainian list of potential tax haven countries.