Experimental art festival returns July in Ērgļi, Latvia

On July 13 this year, in Ērgļi, in the territory of Pārsteigumkalns, the experimental art festival "Optižūns" will take place for the seventh time, the organizers said.

Concerts, performances, and theater shows will take place in meadows, forests, and swamp areas, and environmental art objects created by artists will be on display.

There are no overlapping viewing times - the program is linear and the viewer can experience the festival as a whole.

According to the festival organizers, the main aim of Optižūns is to promote experimental and contemporary creativity, so a week before the festival, a residency called Žūns will take place on the territory of Pārsteigumkalns, during which artists will create or develop works.

This year's program will feature artists from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Italy, and Japan.

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