One-third of Lucavsala island in Rīga up for construction
One-third of Lucavsala island in Rīga up for construction
One-third of the island of Lucavsala, which is largely a green area, is planned to be built on. The first building is currently under construction, with five floors already built. A whole complex of houses is planned to accompany it. In addition, the City Council has given 10 hectares of land for a stadium, Latvian Television reported on July 16.
City architect: Rīga has potential to be the center of the Baltics
City architect: Rīga has potential to be the center of the Baltics
While Rīga has many areas of outstanding architectural beauty, the city also has another, less attractive side  with abandoned lots, houses that are crumbling, and streets that are not properly repaired. Tackling these and other challenges is the job of city architect Pēteris Ratas, who has been leading the municipal architectural service for a year and a half.
Sufficient bio-waste sorting still a long way ahead in Latvia
Sufficient bio-waste sorting still a long way ahead in Latvia
Residents of Riga and the vicinity are increasingly sorting organic waste, but the necessary indicators are still far from being reached. In Riga, bio-waste containers have been compulsory at apartment buildings since March, but there are currently 2,000 missing. House managers will soon be fined for failing to install them, Latvian Radio reported July 10.
Meadow sweet, sweet meadow
Meadow sweet, sweet meadow
Latvia's colorful meadows are home to a great number of wildflowers that would be the envy of many other countries, and there's no better time of the year to explore them than late June and July.
Medicinal crops thriving in Latgale
Medicinal crops thriving in Latgale
Te "Kurmīši" farm in the Krāslava district of Latvia's easternmost Latgale region is traditionally the largest grower of medicinal plants in the region. This year it has attracted 13 students to work through the summer thanks to the opportunitie provided by the State Employment Agency, reports Latvian Radio.
Most of Rīga's bathing sites safe for swimming
Most of Rīga's bathing sites safe for swimming
All eight of Riga's official bathing sites have good water quality, and recent analyses show that almost all other popular recreational areas near water bodies are also open for swimming, the Housing and Environment Department of the Riga City Council said July 5.
High risk of cyanobacteria pollution in water
High risk of cyanobacteria pollution in water
With warm and dry weather, the risk of cyanobacteria in bathing areas increases. They are considered one of the most dangerous forms of water pollution, Latgale Television reports July 3.
Forestry costs growing strongly in Latvia
Forestry costs growing strongly in Latvia
Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) data published July 3 show that in 2023, compared to 2022, forest tending as well as forest regeneration costs were all significantly up.
Forests near Cēsis hit hardest in Monday's storm
Forests near Cēsis hit hardest in Monday's storm
The storm of July 1 affected forest stands in the areas of Lake Ninieris and Cēsis Forest Cemetery the most - at least 70 hectares of trees with an estimated stock of 6000 cubic meters were found broken and toppled by the wind, the State Forest Service (VMD) said.
Lavender fields forever
Lavender fields forever
Lavender blossom time has just started. Not only the lavender fields, but also individual farms in general are becoming popular tourist destinations, allowing you to get to know the personalities of the owners. Aija Rancāne from the village of Dekteri in Rēzekne County calls lavender growing her heart's work, Latgale regional television reported July 1.
No cigs or tents on Jūrmala's beaches
No cigs or tents on Jūrmala's beaches
Two apparent evils – smoking and tents –will be prohibited on Jūrmala's beaches, according to the municipality's updated binding regulations, LETA reports July 1.
Zilaiskalns tower near Valmiera sees tourist influx
Zilaiskalns tower near Valmiera sees tourist influx
The post-midsummer week saw a large influx of visitors to Zilaiskalns in Valmiera municipality, and this interest has been sparked by the new 38.3-meter-high observation tower, which was opened before the Līgo festival, Latvian Radio reported June 30.

Zilaiskalns is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Valmiera municipality, says Evija Nagle, head of the area's development administration, pointing out that even during the construction of the observation tower, when there was an enclosure at the top of the hill, there was no shortage of visitors who did not find it an obstacle. 
Stricter pet-keeping rules in force as of July in Latvia
Stricter pet-keeping rules in force as of July in Latvia
From July 1, the rules on keeping pets will be stricter - for example, young dogs cannot be kept on a chain, while a cat that is free to roam outside the house will have to be sterilized, microchipped, and registered. This is due to changes in the Animal Protection Act and new rules on animal welfare and protection, Latvian Radio reports June 26.
Photos: Dauderi Park in Rīga restored
Photos: Dauderi Park in Rīga restored
Dauderi Park in Sarkandaugava is one of the oldest parks in Riga, and its reconstruction is finally complete. It took almost 8 years from the tender to the ribbon cutting. The park has been reborn, fusing the old with the modern, Latvian Television reported on June 25.
Banned insecticide found after bees die in nearby hive
Banned insecticide found after bees die in nearby hive
Bees died in an apiary in Skrunda parish, Kuldīga municipality, after unauthorized use of a banned agricultural insecticide on a flowering bean field during the day, Latvian Radio reported on June 25.

"On June 5 in the evening, I enter the apiary and the whole hive is crawling. Flying bees that were in the field at the time. Look at the ground everywhere... Eventually they [the dead bees] will decompose, but, well, the view that day was...., as far as you can see here, everything was crawling," beekeeper Andris Dzenis drew the scene a few weeks ago at his beehives in Skrunda municipality, next to a field of flowering beans.
Mushrooms aplenty in Latvian forests
Mushrooms aplenty in Latvian forests
Mushrooms in Latvian forests are said to have appeared earlier than usual this year and have been widely discussed by social media users for some time, TV Kurzeme reports.
Rags to fishes: concerning pollution observed in Daugava, Rīga
Rags to fishes: concerning pollution observed in Daugava, Rīga
A fisherman in the Daugava River in Rīga has turned to Latvian Television's 4. studija with a worrying observation. Rag worms are a common type of bait, but for Igors, whatever bait he is using, rags are the ones taking it – and not the worm kind.
Try making your own flower crown this Midsummer
Try making your own flower crown this Midsummer
This Midsummer, the Latvian Fund for Nature (LDF) invites all Midsummer celebrators to make wreaths from natural meadow plants and participate in the Midsummer wreath competition.
Run for your linden tea
Run for your linden tea
The linden blossoming this year is uncharacteristically early, and coincides with quite a bit of rain. Since tea is only harvested in dry weather, you must ready on your feet for the moment, Raimonds Lignickis, owner of the Rūķīšu Tēja (Dwarf Tea) producer, told LSM.lv.
Potato pests are back in Latvia
Potato pests are back in Latvia
In some parts of Latvia, the first Colorado potato beetles have already invaded potato fields and can cause serious damage to the crop. Experts warn that fields should be carefully inspected and immediate action should be taken if these pests appear so that there are plenty of spuds later, Latvian Radio reported on June 17.
Photos: Huge acacia replanted in Rīga
Photos: Huge acacia replanted in Rīga
The corner of Raiņa Boulevard and Barona Street was a parking lot on Wednesday, but on Thursday it is a bit of a green oasis. A huge 12-meter-tall acacia tree was dug up, transported, and replanted, Latvian Television reported.
Cormorants cause devastation in Lake Rāzna, Latvia
Cormorants cause devastation in Lake Rāzna, Latvia
Several islands of Lake Rāzna have become degraded areas due to the presence of cormorants, and fish resources are also declining, experts from the Nature Conservation Agency (DAP) told Latgale Regional Television.
Peony wonders abloom at Latvian Nature museum
Peony wonders abloom at Latvian Nature museum
From 13 to 16 June, the Latvian National Museum of Natural History will host the Peony Exhibition "Peonies 2024", featuring around 200 varieties of the magnificent flowers, said Kristīna Soloha, the museum's representative.


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