Polling station accessibility issue raised in Latvia
Polling station accessibility issue raised in Latvia
In the 2024 European Parliament elections, 21% or 200 of the 945 polling stations in Latvia were inaccessible to people with mobility problems. Such polling stations not only make it difficult to cast a vote in elections but also prevent people with disabilities from working at the polling station, Latvian Television reported June 10.
Security Service sees no issues with EP elections in Latvia
Security Service sees no issues with EP elections in Latvia
According to the State Security Service (VDD), the European Parliament (EP) elections in Latvia were held peacefully. The VDD has not detected any attempts to illegally influence the election results in Latvia, the service said in a statement June 10.
Ten unstamped election envelopes deemed accident
Ten unstamped election envelopes deemed accident
The Central Election Commission (CVK) has instructed to count the ballot papers in ten unsealed envelopes at the 81st polling station in Riga, according to information available on the Commission's website.
KNAB: Campaigning rules respected on election day in Latvia
KNAB: Campaigning rules respected on election day in Latvia
On the day of the European Parliament elections, Saturday, 8 June, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) received 19 signals on possible violations of pre-election campaigning, but no violations were detected after checking them.
Dombrovskis gets most "thumbs up" from voters
Dombrovskis gets most "thumbs up" from voters
In the European Parliament (EP) elections, the leader of "New Unity" (JV) Valdis Dombrovskis received the most plus markings on ballots, while his party member Krišjānis Kariņš (JV) had his name crossed out the most, according to the preliminary results of the EP elections published by the Central Election Commission (CVK), LETA reports June 10.
Politicians question Latvian election body's transparency
Politicians question Latvian election body's transparency
Representatives of several parties in the Central Election Commission (CVK) are in disagreement with the decision of its head Kristīne Saulīte to entrust the collection of votes cast in the European Parliament (EP) elections to only two IT specialists, thus making the process opaque for the commission members, CVK member Ringolds Balodis told Latvian Television June 9.
Ijabs: Latvian MEPs should coordinate more amongst themselves
Ijabs: Latvian MEPs should coordinate more amongst themselves
The nine MEPs elected from Latvia should coordinate more with each other, said MEP Ivars Ijabs (For Latvian Development), who was re-elected to the European Parliament according to the preliminary data of the Central Election Commission, in an interview on Latvian Television's Morning Panorama June 10.
Latvia's EP voter turnout sits in middle of Baltic figures
Latvia's EP voter turnout sits in middle of Baltic figures
At least 521,325 voters, or 33.83% of those eligible to vote, cast their ballots in the European Parliament (EP) elections in Latvia, according to data from the Central Election Commission (CVK). This is only slightly higher than the turnout in the 2019 and 2014 EP elections.
A third of Latvian residents express no interest in EP elections: survey
A third of Latvian residents express no interest in EP elections: survey
Since February, the interest of the Latvian population in the European Parliament elections has not changed significantly – both at the end of February and at the end of May, 32% of respondents indicated that they do not plan to follow the elections, according to a public opinion poll conducted by the research center "Norstat" in cooperation with LSM.lv.
Euroelections: 4.1% of voters cast ballots in early voting
Euroelections: 4.1% of voters cast ballots in early voting
On June 6, the second day of advance voting in Latvia, around 48,000 voters took part in the European Parliament elections, and a total of at least 4.1% of voters cast their ballots on the two previous voting days, according to data from the Central Election Commission. 
EP party ratings: National Alliance retains leading position
EP party ratings: National Alliance retains leading position
The National Alliance remains the leader in Latvia's resident polls shortly before the European Parliament elections on Saturday, but a total of eight political forces would overcome the 5% barrier, which would divide the nine seats of Latvian representatives in the EP, according to the latest ratings compiled by pollster SKDS for Latvian Television.
KNAB reminds public to be on guard for election deepfakes
KNAB reminds public to be on guard for election deepfakes
In the last days before the European Parliament elections, the emergence of deepfakes for or against a candidate cannot be ruled out, law enforcement officials say. If you spot artificial campaign material, you should report it to the State Police or the State Security Service, Latvian Radio reports.
Poll: Current MEPs most popular choices among Latvian residents
Poll: Current MEPs most popular choices among Latvian residents
A survey conducted by the Latvian Television broadcast "What is Happening in Latvia?" and the pollster SKDS on Latvian residents' plans to vote in the European Parliament election shows that the individual rating of the leaders of some lists is significantly higher than the rating of the party as a whole, the survey results published on June 3 show.
How to vote in the European Parliament elections in Latvia
How to vote in the European Parliament elections in Latvia
European Union citizens registered in Latvia have the right to vote in European Parliament elections. However, information on how to actually cast a ballot at a voting station is often either inaccurate or simply lacking for those who do not speak Latvian fairly proficiently.
EP elections unlikely to change Latvian government, says expert
EP elections unlikely to change Latvian government, says expert
There is no reason to believe that the results of the European Parliament (EP) elections will immediately affect the composition of the coalition and, consequently, the government in Latvia, said Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, lecturer at Riga Stradiņš University and political scientist, in an interview on Latvian Television May 24.
LTV cancels planned EP election debates in Russian
LTV cancels planned EP election debates in Russian
Sigita Roķe, Editor-in-Chief of Latvian Television (LTV), in consultation with the LTV Editorial Board, has decided to cancel the planned European Parliament (EP) pre-election debate in Russian on the public media portal Rus.LSM.lv.
Pre-election party spending totals €1.88 million so far
Pre-election party spending totals €1.88 million so far
Since the beginning of the pre-election campaign period on February 10 to May 21, the parties and their associations running in the European Parliament elections have spent a total of EUR 1.886 million, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) said Wednesday, May 22.


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