Education and Science
Latvia plans national infrastructure for quantum data transmission
Latvia plans national infrastructure for quantum data transmission
The Latvian State Radio and Television Center (LVRTC) is considering the possibility of creating a national infrastructure for quantum data transmission, said Ģirts Ozols, Chairman of the Board, in an interview on the Latvian Television program "Morning Panorama" on July 18.
Ministry plans to tweak language agency's role
Ministry plans to tweak language agency's role
The Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) plans to maintain the existence of the Latvian Language Agency (LVA), but to transfer some of its functions to the State Education Development Agency (VIAA), according to a draft order on the creation of a new state institution that has been submitted, the LETA news agency reports.
Court says transition to education in Latvian only is ok
Court says transition to education in Latvian only is ok
The norm which stipulates that education in private educational institutions in Latvia may be obtained only in the state language is compatible with the Constitution, concludes the Constitutional Court (ST), which handed down its judgement on July 10.
Latvia to try to solve teacher shortage with more university seats
Latvia to try to solve teacher shortage with more university seats
In an effort to address the pressing shortage of teachers, the number of state-paid study seats in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in education will double in four Latvian higher education institutions in the next academic year, as announced by the Education and Science Ministry (IZM) on Tuesday, July 9.
Inside a Latvian supercomputer
Inside a Latvian supercomputer
It has been 12 years since Riga Technical University (RTU) started constructing its powerful supercomputer, which currently serves as a useful tool for both local and foreign scientists. But how does a supercomputer work and what are the future plans for improving it?
Suspended lecturer files lawsuit against music academy
Suspended lecturer files lawsuit against music academy
Rolands Kronlaks, former head of the Music Technology Department at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA), has filed a lawsuit against the Academy after being suspended over alleged sexual harassment, Latvian Television reported on July 4.
State Audit: Latvia has work to do to ensure enough teachers
State Audit: Latvia has work to do to ensure enough teachers
The actions taken by the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) have not been effective enough to ensure the number of teachers necessary for the education sector and to promote staying in the profession, the State Audit Office (VK) has found in its audit published on July 3.
Pupils did best in English exams, worst in math
Pupils did best in English exams, worst in math
Similarly to the previous school year, in the 2023/2024 school year ninth-graders have performed highest in the centralized examination in English, and lowest in mathematics, according to the first preliminary results of the State Education Content Center (VISC) published July 1.
Latvia's Tilde wins major European AI prize
Latvia's Tilde wins major European AI prize
European Commissioner Thierry Breton has announced that Latvian company Tilde, is a winner of the EC's Large AI Grand Challenge. The award includes a €250,000 monetary prize and 2 million GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) hours on the fastest supercomputer in Europe, LUMI, to develop a foundational Large Language Model (LLM) for European languages.
Is Latvian education system prepared for military crisis?
Is Latvian education system prepared for military crisis?
It is important that schools and kindergartens have plans in place for war or military invasion to protect children, teachers and other staff.  But what about the reality? Have Latvian schools and kindergartens thought about the potential risks? Latvian Radio tried to find out
Two exam leaks recorded this school year in Latvia
Two exam leaks recorded this school year in Latvia
This year, two cases of leaked exam questions have been recorded - in mathematics and English, Normunds Rečs, Director of the Evaluation and Analytics Department of the State Center for Education Content (VISC), said in an interview on the Latvian Radio program "Labrīt" June 20.
Latvia plans new funding model for universities
Latvia plans new funding model for universities
A new funding model is planned to be introduced for all state universities in 2026, which will give universities more autonomy, the Ministry of Education and Science has announced. Universities will be given more freedom to allocate public funding internally, Latvian Radio reported on June 18.
Plan to train 100 new Latvian language teachers for foreigners
Plan to train 100 new Latvian language teachers for foreigners
It is planned to create a study program at the University of Latvia (LU) to prepare at least 100 Latvian language teachers who will teach the state language as a foreign language to adults, according to the plan supported by the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) at the government's cabinet meeting on Tuesday, June 18.
'We want you', says Latvian police
'We want you', says Latvian police
The State Police College has launched a recruitment campaign "Police is looking for you", which will inform potential students about the educational opportunities and benefits the State Police College provides, Dmitrijs Homenko, principal of the college, told Latvian Television on June 18.
Latvia joins CERN computing network
Latvia joins CERN computing network
Latvia has joined the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) global computing network. It brings together 170 computing centers in more than 40 countries and provides computing facilities for analyzing and storing experimental data, Latvian Television reported on June 6.
Music academy lecturer dismissed over alleged sexual harassment scandal
Music academy lecturer dismissed over alleged sexual harassment scandal
Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) has terminated the employment relationship with conductor Māris Kupčs, who previously headed the Department of Ancient Music, according to a statement to the staff and students from the acting rector of the Academy Ilona Meija, Latvian Television reported June 3.
New rector for Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
New rector for Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
On Wednesday, May 22, Irina Arhipova, the current Vice-Rector of the University and Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, was elected Rector of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) in the third round. 
Thousands of teachers protest in Rīga(update)
Thousands of teachers protest in Rīga(update)
On Tuesday, 21 May, a couple thousand teachers gathered at a picket organized by the Latvian Education and Science Workers' Union in front of the government building to express their dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Education and Science's (IZM) proposal for balancing teachers' workloads.


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