Soviet-glorifying street names still plentiful in Latvia
Soviet-glorifying street names still plentiful in Latvia
With the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Latvia began renaming streets reminiscent of the Soviet occupation. At first, it seemed to be going smoothly, but only about 20% of such streets have been renamed, Latvian Radio reported on July 8.
Historical tram depot to be reconstructed in Rīga
Historical tram depot to be reconstructed in Rīga
The municipal public transport company Rīgas Satiksme is currently reconstructing the tram depot No 5 at Gaisa Bridge. As the depot was originally built more than 120 years ago, the company is obliged to preserve its historical heritage, Latvian Television reported July 2.
The Romeo and Juliet of Liepāja
The Romeo and Juliet of Liepāja
The burial site of the "Latvian Romeo and Juliet" is being restored by history experts and enthusiasts of Liepāja, TV Kurzeme reports June 26.
Jaunpils castle renovation nearly completed
Jaunpils castle renovation nearly completed
Jaunpils Castle is awaiting happy news - the restoration of the castle, which was damaged by storms and hail last August, will soon be completed, Zemgale regional television reported on June 24.
How does Soviet flame in Daugavpils keep on burning?
How does Soviet flame in Daugavpils keep on burning?
Latvian Radio reported May 20 from Daugavpils where – despite the removal of the main Soviet-era monument in the city – an 'eternal flame' continues to burn at another site closely linked to the historical role of the Red Army.
Augmented reality book shows history of Rīga
Augmented reality book shows history of Rīga
A rather unusual book was launched last weekend. It is an album of historical photographs, entitled "A Walk Through Beautiful Riga/ Pastaiga pa skaisto Rīgu". The author is Kaspars Migla, co-author Andris Ivanovs.
Latvia commemorates WWII victims on May 8
Latvia commemorates WWII victims on May 8
May 8 is the day in Europe and Latvia to commemorate the defeat of Nazism and the victims of the Second World War. Commemorations are held in several Latvian cities, including, as every year, at the Riga Brethren (Brāļu) Cemetery, where wreaths and flowers were laid by the country's top officials.
Latvia’s towns as a battlefield of the USSR-Germany war
Latvia’s towns as a battlefield of the USSR-Germany war
On May 8, the date marking the defeat of Nazism and a day to commemorate the victims of the Second World War, it is important not only to remember the end of the war as a watershed between the war-time and post-war Europe, but also to understand the losses and devastation that this war brought to the people and state of Latvia.
Open-air exhibit to show destruction of war in Latvian cities
Open-air exhibit to show destruction of war in Latvian cities
This week, the exhibition "1944 – The War-Caused Fractures in Latvian Urban Landscape" will be opened at the Freedom Monument. An open-air exhibition, with the help of historical images, tells the story of the destruction of the most damaged cities in Latvia in World War II, Latvian Radio reported on May 7.
Latvia marks May 4 restoration of independence
Latvia marks May 4 restoration of independence
May 4, 2024 marks exactly 34 years since the restoration of Latvia's independence after decades of Soviet occupation. On May 4, 1990, Latvia proclaimed its independence from the USSR, and the restoration of the Republic of Latvia.
New Cheka exhibit on display at 'Corner House' in Rīga
New Cheka exhibit on display at 'Corner House' in Rīga
On April 18, a new exhibition dedicated to the resistance movement "National Guard/Nacionālā sardze" and its leader Jūlijs Bračs will open at the Occupation museum's branch in the former KGB building ('Corner House'), Latvian Radio reports.
Train trips from Poland to Latvia will be nothing new
Train trips from Poland to Latvia will be nothing new
After the Easter holidays, Poles often start thinking about where to go on vacation. Latvia is becoming more and more popular as a destination with Ryanair flying to Rīga from three locations: Warsaw-Modlin, Krakow and Gdańsk. However, most often people go to Latvia by bus or private car. The Rail Baltica train connection still has to wait until at least 2030, but eventually it will be possible to reach even Tallinn from Warsaw via Rīga on the railway.
New stamp dedicated to ancient rafting trade
New stamp dedicated to ancient rafting trade
On April 12, Latvian Postal Service (Latvijas Pasts, LP) will issue a new postage stamp dedicated to the intangible cultural heritage of Latvia – the Gauja rafters, said LP.
The little bit of Beethoven in the heart of Rīga
The little bit of Beethoven in the heart of Rīga
Only about a hundred meters from the building of the Latvian National Art Museum, on Skolas Street 3, there is a four-story brick building with elements of romanticized historical styles.
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Three
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Three
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Two
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Two
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part One
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part One
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.
Urgent fire safety works start in Rīga's 'Corner House'
Urgent fire safety works start in Rīga's 'Corner House'
SJSC "Valsts nekustamie īpašumi" (State Real Estate, VNĪ) has started emergency works in the former KGB building (Corner House) related to the dismantling of the fire detection and alarm system and the construction of a new system throughout the building, VNĪ said on April 4.
Daugavpils fortress hopes for bright cultural future
Daugavpils fortress hopes for bright cultural future
New opportunities arise for the fortress of Daugavpils by the cooperation agreement signed on April 2 between Daugavpils municipality and the Latvian Palace and Manor Association (LPMA). Cooperation with LPMA will allow for research, preservation, and promotion of the cultural and historical values of Daugavpils Fortress, Latvian Radio reported. 
Promises of maternity hospital uncovered while demolishing slum
Promises of maternity hospital uncovered while demolishing slum
Demolishing a slum outside Gaiļezers Hospital in Rīga, workers have found a capsule with a message for generations to come. It shows plans to build a maternity home next to the hospital, which was never completed, Latvian Television reported on April 1.
Historic Mežotne Palace may be sold off
Historic Mežotne Palace may be sold off
If no potential tenant of Mežotne Palace applies for its current lease auction by April 4, the State Real Estate agency (Valsts nekustamie ipašumi, VNĪ) is ready to sell off the architectural monument of national importance, reports Latvian Television.
Latvia will attempt to sell 'Corner House'
Latvia will attempt to sell 'Corner House'
The government decided on Tuesday, March 26, to sell the former KGB building, the so-called Corner House, at Brīvības Street 61 in Rīga, preserving the lease rights of the Latvian Museum of Occupation until the end of 2050.


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