Three for the Weekend: Portal, Ice Cream, Dance

Summer is said to make a reappearance this weekend. Don't miss it!

Portal to Italy

On Friday, June 14, evening, a "Portal" event will take place at the Āgenskalns Market, this time leading to Italy.

The Italian-American band "Canta Storie" will invite visitors of all ages to discover traditional Italian songs not only in concert but also in a singalong. The band will invite you to explore your voice and to learn the dance forms of Tarantella.

The evening begins at 18:00. Entry is free.

More detailed program on the event's Facebook page.

Time to Dance

The contemporary dance festival Laiks dejot/Time to Dance has been taking place all week, and culminates on Saturday, June 15, at the Stāmeriena Palace and its park with a grand concert.

Choreographers and dancers  Arina Buboviča, Ksenija Simanova & Gints Dancītis, Olga Žitluhina, LDM7, as well as musician Stanislavs Judins are performing.

The event begins at 19:00, entrance with the castle visitor ticket. More on the festival's website.

Ice Cream and Treat Festival

On Sunday, June 16, the Mežaparks park (by the Rīga Zoo) is hosting what it promises to be the tastiest festival of the summer – a festival of ice cream and treats.

Local producers of the sweet stuff will be invited to show off their production. The organizers also promise street food, crafts and arts market, recreation areas, and music.

The event takes place 10:00 to 17:00. More on the Facebook page.

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