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Latvian football player dies in stabbing attack in Netherlands

Žanuels Skopenko, former striker of Valmiera football club and Latvian U-19 national indoor football team, has died at the age of 24, the Latvian Football Federation (LFF) reports. Latvian Television reported on June 6 that Skopenko was stabbed in the Netherlands and later died in hospital.

The footballer was stabbed on Saturday, June 1, in Vlaardingen at around 2 pm. The Dutch police are currently continuing their investigation and are looking for eyewitnesses.

The Dutch media "" reported that the 24-year-old was stabbed by a 33-year-old man. They had been drinking together before the incident. The newspaper published a photograph showing a bottle of wine on a bench at the scene of the stabbing. According to the newspaper, a dispute broke out between the two men from Latvia.

The victim was stabbed in the neck and after the attack sought help in a nearby supermarket, while the assailant fled the scene. Medics arrived at the scene and took the victim to hospital, but were unable to save his life.

During his career, Skopenko has played for Rezekne FA, Jēkabpils SC, TFK Rezekne and Valmiera, as well as the Latvian U-19 national indoor football team, with whom he participated in the European Championship finals in Riga in September 2019.

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