ERR: Baltics to unplug from BRELL next February

The Baltic States will be disconnected from the BRELL electricity supply loop connecting Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia with Belarus and Russia on February 8, 2025, Estonian public broadcaster ERR reports June 11.

The following day, the Baltic States will connect to the European grid.

The three Baltic countries are the last in the EU not to be connected to the European grid. 

Kalle Kilk, chairman of the board of Estonian transmission system operator Elering, said that all three Baltic countries are prepared to disconnect from the grid. They are ready to operate autonomously as an "electricity island" if needed.

However, desynchronization could trigger a negative reaction from Russia and asymmetric counter-measures, experts say.

The entire desynchronization project will cost €1.6 billion. In Latvia, the total cost is €114 million, and 75% will be covered by the Connecting Europe Facility.

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