Back to square one in hunt for Latvia's investment agency head

The Latvian State Chancellery has announced a new competition for the position of director of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) on Monday, May 20. 

Applicants are invited to submit applications electronically by June 10. The new competition for the important post comes after Minister of Economics Viktors Valainis (Greens and Farmers Union) decided to end the previous competition for the position of LIAA director without a result. His decision came at the end of an already lengthy process which saw two candidates eventually put forward from a list of 52 applicants.

The minister expressed his desire to see information about a wider range of candidates,  LTV program "De facto" reported. Whether more or fewer candidates will put their names forward at the second time of asking remains to be seen.  

According to the minister the director of LIAA should have a higher education (preferably a master's degree) in management, economics, finance, law or engineering; at least three years' experience as a manager of an organization or in another managerial position, acquired within the last 10 years; experience working in the private sector and attracting substantial investments to companies.

Applicants must also have an understanding of corporate governance issues, project management of European Union funds, as well as the structure and basic principles of state administration. In addition, experience in the fields of export promotion and innovation is deemed desirable.

Applicants are expected to have knowledge of English at C1 level, as well as knowledge of German, French or another foreign language in addition to fluent Latvian, in addition to various other requirements.

Just as importantly, this highly skilled individual will need to be satisfied with a monthly salary of 6,500 euros (before taxes).

The selection of applicants will take place in three rounds. At the end of the competition, the applicant with the highest evaluation will be recommended to the Minister of Economics for appointment – though as he has already demonstrated, there is no guarantee he will give his approval.

As previously reported by LSM, there has been a vacancy at LIAA since September last year when the incumbent, Kaspars Rožkalns, quit ater three years in the job, citing "the lack of clear priorities at the state level in arranging the business environment".

Since then deputy director of LIAA for export affairs, Iveta Strupkaja, has been acting head the institution.

If you fancy your own chances of spearheading Latvia's business investment drive, you will find full details of the application procedure here.


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