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Over 200 cyclists involved in accidents this spring

This year until May 30, there have been 201 road accidents involving cyclists. Four people have lost their lives. The State Police point out that those involved often include people without any driving licence, the type of driving was characterised as dangerous, and the presence of alcohol also tends to be a factor in accidents.

In Rīga, the interviewees said that they generally felt safe on a bicycle, but that the most dangerous situations were at pedestrian crossings and on motorways. Andris, who commutes daily by car and by bicycle, said that the main problem is infrastructure, especially the lack of space for cyclists on the sides of highways. 

"I have had a car run over me. Then resuscitation, surgery," said Andris. "It was on the Jūrmala highway. One woman looked back and didn't look forward, and came at me on a slant and I fell on the asphalt."

Now he avoids highways and his bicycle is more of a city vehicle.

Other interviewees also admitted that there have been accidents or dangerous situations, whether major or minor. 

Valdemārs: "Sometimes there have been, but maybe because I have been too aggressive and demanding. But in general, it's not that it happens often."

Rinalds: "I've had one case where a car almost hit me when I was going over a zebra crossing.  He didn't notice because there was a car in front and I was passing. It was more my fault."

State Police has observed that in recent years riders are paying more attention to the road, and helmets are more commonly worn. But the circumstances of the accidents in which injuries have occurred have varied. One of the similarities is the lack of any driving licence. 

"Alcohol is one of the reasons. The other is carelessness or recklessness," said Vita Vīlistere, Head of the Multidisciplinary Prevention Unit of the State Police.

Police advise people to be alert, to be aware of other road users, and to wear helmets, reflectors, and reflective vests.

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