Latvians spent a billion euros on trips abroad in 2023

In 2023, Latvian residents went on 2.1 million same-day trips and overnight trips abroad, which is 21.8 % more than a year ago, but 11.6 % less than before the pandemic in 2019, according to data published by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) June 6.

According to the figures, Latvians spent EUR 1.11 billion on these trips abroad.

Last year, Latvian residents went on 401.3 thousand same-day trips abroad  (24.6 thousand or 5.8 % less than in 2022), spending EUR 35.3 million, which is EUR 1.1 million or 3.1 % more. The average expenditure of a trip comprised EUR 87.9, which is EUR 7.6 more than a year ago.

Compared to 2019 before the pandemic struck, in 2023 the number of trips was down by 55.6 % while, due to high inflation last year, total expenditure reduced by 38.8 %. Compared to 2019, the average expenditure last year increased by EUR 24.10.

In their same-day trips in 2023 most often Latvian residents went to Lithuania (68.2 %) and Estonia (23.6 %).

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Last year residents went on 1.7 million overnight trips abroad, 30.8 % more than a year ago and 15.2 % more than before the pandemic in 2019, thus in 2023 the number of overnight trips has exceeded the pre-pandemic level.

Most popular destinations of overnight trips abroad in 2023 were neighbouring countries Estonia (13.4 %) and Lithuania (13.1 %), followed by Turkey (6.9 %) and Germany (6.3 %). Also Poland (6.0 %), Italy (5.7 %) and Spain (5.6 %) also were among most popular destinations of Latvian residents.

The number of nights spent in 2023 exceeded the number of nights spent registered before the pandemic, reaching 10.5 million nights, 17.3 % more than in 2019 and 39.7 % more than in 2022. During the trip tourists spent an average of 6.1 nights, which is 0.4 nights more than the previous year.

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Last year, 19.6 % of trips were spent in non-rented accommodation (dwelling of relatives or friends, summer cottages, etc.), while 80.4 % of trips required to book an accommodation. In 77.9 % of trips accommodation was booked at tour operators or travel agents, including on collaborative economy platforms (e.g.,, AirBnB, Expedia, etc.), but 22.1 % of trips – at the accommodation provider. Out of all reservations needed 72.3 % were made using automatic online booking systems or digital platforms.

Expenditure of overnight trips abroad, compared to 2022, increased by 43.8 % and reached EUR 1.1 million, exceeding expenditure that was before the pandemic in 2019 by 44.8 %. During the previous years, the largest share of expenditure was spent on transport services, but in 2023, for the first time since 2012, the largest share of expenditure was on accommodation services (37.1%), which was followed by transport services (31.4 %), catering (16.1 %), entertainment and cultural activities (5.9 %) and other expenses (9.5 %). Average expenditure per an overnight trip comprised EUR 630.1, which is EUR 56.7 more than in 2022. The average daily expenditure last year comprised EUR 102.6, which is EUR 2.9 more than a year ago and EUR 19.5 more than in 2019 before the pandemic.

Mostly residents went on overnight trips abroad by flight (54.1 %). Passenger car was the second most popular choice (36.1 %). Bus was used in 7.6 % of trips abroad.

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Last year, 35.8 % of trips were made by private transport, while in 64.2 % of trips it was necessary to make a transport reservation. 62.4 % of them were made at a transport service provider, for example at the specific airline, and 37.6 % – using services of tour operators or travel agents. Out of all reservations needed 76.8 % were made using automatic online booking systems or digital platforms.

Mostly women (52.1 %), residents aged 35-44 years (26.2 %), residents with higher education (59.6 %) and employed (79.7 %) went on overnight tourism trips abroad.

Data on domestic tourism within Latvia's borders will be published on June 7.

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