New cycling path near Cēsis, Latvia

A new pedestrian and cycling infrastructure from Cēsis to the turn to Līvi village along the regional road Umurga-Cēsis (P14) (km 39.70-40.95) was inaugurated on June 6.

The new infrastructure is connected to the municipal pedestrian and cycle routes in Cēsis and Līvi village.

Construction of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure started in August 2023 and has resulted in a 2.5 m wide asphalted, illuminated 1.2 km long pedestrian and cycling path. Protective barriers and energy-efficient lighting have been installed. 

The works were carried out by ACBR SIA for a contract price of EUR 519 098,68 (incl. VAT). The project was designed by Projekts 3 SIA and construction supervision was provided by Ceļuprojekts AS. 

"This project shows the importance of productive cooperation between local authorities and the state. The new infrastructure link connects the existing municipal pedestrian and cycling routes and street network. We give high priority to such investments. We have a number of projects to build more than 100 km of new cycling infrastructure in Latvia in the coming years," said Transport Minister Kaspars Briškens (Progressives).


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