Roadworks on 70 sections of Latvian roads

Construction work is ongoing on 70 sections of the state roads, and drivers must count on traffic restrictions, Latvian State Roads (LVC) said Friday, June 7.

The biggest traffic restrictions are on the Vidzeme highway (A2) from the turn to Cēsis (P20) to Rīdzene, on the Jelgava motorway (A8) from Jaunolaine to Rīga and on the Kocēni-Limbaži-Tūja road (P11) from Umurga to Iesalkāja. There, you need to plan for extra travel time of up to 40 minutes. 

On Friday afternoon, traffic may be slower in the vicinity of Rīga towards the sea.  

Major traffic restrictions on main national roads:

  • Vidzeme highway (A2) from the turn-off to Cēsis (P20) to Rīdzene - six traffic lights, speed limits 70 and 50 km/h. Estimated crossing time 45 minutes;
  • Jelgava highway (A8) from Jaunolaine to Rīga, speed limit 70 and 50 km/h, estimated crossing time 45 minutes;
  • Jelgava highway (A8) from Dalbe to the bridge over the Vircava river, speed limit 70 and 50 km/h, up to three traffic lights, estimated crossing time 40 minutes.

Please consult the map of the roadworks and plan extra travel time in case you have to cross the repair sections.

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