Some Latvian municipalities plan zero-emission transport

The Central Financial and Contracts Agency (CFLA) has received 11 project applications in an open call for proposals, where local authorities could apply for funding from the European Union (EU) for the purchase of zero-emission vehicles. 

The most active were the municipalities in the Vidzeme and Latgale statistical regions - 4 project applications were received from each region; 2 municipalities applied for funding in the Kurzeme region and 1 in Zemgale.

The submitted projects plan to purchase 30 electric vehicles to transport more than 174,000 passengers per year, as well as to build charging infrastructure for electric buses and purchase mobile charging equipment.

The support is intended for the purchase of vehicles to transport learners to educational institutions, social services or social care clients or workers to the place where the service is provided or received. It also covers the purchase of vehicles to transport municipal cultural workers or amateur art groups to the venues of cultural events. There are also plans to support access to health care services by arranging for patients to be transported to a health facility if the existing public transport system is not suitable.

The CFLA accepted project applications from February 29 to May 29.

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