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Atklāts ekspresmaršruts no Rīgas centra uz lidostu

Shuttle bus Rīga Airport-Center starts running

As of Wednesday, June 12, commercial passenger services between Riga city center and the airport begins.

The bus passenger carrier Lux Express operates minibuses with up to 24 seats. It is planned to operate 18 daily trips from Riga city center to the airport and 21 daily trips from the airport to the city center. The journey time is expected to be 35 minutes.

"Our choice of stops was also linked to the locations with the most hotels to ensure easier access for tourists and hotels. In parallel, we have also chosen places where there are business centers or cultural attractions," said Aldis Ķibēns, the company's spokesman.

The price of a single ticket is eight euros, six euros for children under 16. They are available on the Lux Express website, at the company's sales office at Riga Bus Station, Riga Airport Visitor Centre, and from bus drivers. 

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