WATCH: B9 summit concluding press conference

At the conclusion of the Bucharest 9 (B9) summit in Rīga, the Presidents of Latvia and Poland, plus NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke at a press conference about what they and other leaders decided during their discussions at Rīga Castle.

You can see and hear what they said for themselves in the video above, provided by Latvian Television on YouTube.

As previously reported Latvia has been hosting leaders and diplomatic representatives of Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia June 11 under the banner of the 'Bucharest 9' (B9) summit of NATO member states forming part of the alliance's "eastern flank".

For his part, President Rinkēvičs said it was historic that the Finnish President and Swedish Prime Minister had participated in the discussions for the first time and signalled that he hoped the upcoming Washington Summit of NATO member states would see further strengthening of security in the region.

He also urged "practical steps" towards Ukraine eventually becoming a NATO member state and a "long-term large-scale military support program for Ukraine" and promised to support Ukraine's President Zelenskyy at talks planned in Switzerland next weekend.  



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