WATCH: Delegations arrive for 'B9' summit in Rīga

As previously reported, President Edgars Rinkēvičs is playing host to his fellow leaders under the 'Bucharest 9' format in Rīga today, June 11.

Talks will be taking place behind closed doors throughout the day, but Latvian Television is providing coverage of the arrival of delegations at Rīga Castle in the morning, so if you'd like to watch them walking up the red carpet and making comments to media, you can do so above.

Before the start of the delegations' arrival, President Edgars Rinkēvičs made some interesting English-language comments to the media about what the B9 states are hoping to see from the forthcoming Washington Summit.

"I don't see the opportunity at this point that heads of state and government of NATO [member states] can agree to invite Ukraine to become a NATO member in July – I don't see enough support there – but I think that what must be done by the Washington Summit is to reaffirm that Ukraine is going to be a NATO member, it's going to happen sooner [rather] than later and what we are going to do practically to foster this goal," said President Rinkēvičs.  

There will also be coverage of a concluding press conference which is expected at around 16:00. 

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