Varakļāni, Madona municipalities merge

Varakļāni Municipality will be merged with Madona Municipality, according to the amendments to the Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas approved by the Saeima in the final reading on Thursday, June 13. 

55 MPs voted in favor, 13 against, and seven abstained. 

The law was amended to ensure the sustainable development of the territory of Varakļāni municipality, as until now the municipality did not meet the objective of the administrative-territorial reform and the criteria for the establishment of municipalities.

The municipality did not have a development center and was the smallest municipality in terms of population - according to the Register of Natural Persons, at the beginning of last year, the municipality had 3,138 inhabitants. 

The amendments establish the procedure for holding the next local elections in the merged Madona municipality.

Until the first session of the new municipal council elected in next year's municipal elections, the municipalities of Varakļāni and Madona will continue to perform their functions in the administrative territories they had.

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