Saeima moves closer to sacking Rēzekne City Council

On Thursday, June 6, the Saeima approved in the second reading the draft law on the dissolution of the Rēzekne City Council and the appointment of a temporary administration in its place. To dissolve the City Council, the law still needs to be approved in its third - final - reading.

The law was supported by 56 MPs in its second reading, while 22 voted against it and three abstained. While the Greens and Farmers Union, which is part of the coalition, did not vote on the issue in the first reading, the majority of its members voted against in the second reading. 

The dissolution of the city council was prompted by the fact that it had violated several laws by failing to ensure the performance of its statutory functions and by failing to respect the interests of the state and the residents of the administrative territory concerned, the annotation to the draft law states.

The draft law states that the head of the temporary administration is to be Guna Puce, while her deputies are to be Iveta Mietule and Jānis Belkovskis.

The interim administration is planned to function until the Rēzekne City Council, elected in the next regular municipal elections (in 2025), convenes for its first meeting.

The law needs to be approved by the Saeima in its third and final reading before it can enter into force.

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