Harsher penalties for animal cruelty introduced in Latvia

Animal cruelty will now be punishable by a more severe penalty - the maximum penalty for killing or maiming an animal will be imprisonment for up to 5 years instead of the current three years. This is provided for in the changes to the Criminal Law approved by the Parliament in its final reading on Thursday, June 6. 

These changes were prompted by a collective petition of more than 31,000 citizens entitled "Real prison sentences for animal torturers and murderers".

The Criminal Law already criminalized cruelty to an animal resulting in death or mutilation or torture. The penalties for such offenses have now been increased. 

Cruel treatment of an animal resulting in death or torture of an animal resulting in death or mutilation will now be punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years instead of the current 3 years, temporary deprivation of liberty, or probation supervision with deprivation of the right to keep certain or all types of animals for up to five years instead of the current three years.

The authors of the amendments to the law have indicated that cruelty to an animal committed in a public place or in the presence of a minor qualifies as particularly harmful and cruel. The maximum term of imprisonment for such offenses has therefore been increased from the previous 5 years to 6 years. At the same time, it has also been decided to abolish the possibility of imposing basic penalties such as community service and fines on offenders in these cases.

The amendments will enter into force immediately after the President promulgates them. 

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