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Latvijas rezidents ieved ieroču detaļas Lietuvā

Lithuania catches Russian with Latvian residency crossing border with gun parts

On Tuesday, June 11, border guards in Lithuania detained a man with a residence permit issued in Latvia who was trying to transport weapon parts from Belarus into the European Union, reports Latvian Television.

The responsible authorities of Lithuania are now conducting an investigation and it seems highly likely that the residence permit issued to him in Latvia will be cancelled.

The person detained by the Lithuanian border guards is a Russian citizen. The list of removed items on the border between Lithuania and Belarus is extensive.

"Customs officers at the Medininkai road checkpoint stopped a Jaguar passenger car driven by a Russian citizen with a residence permit in Latvia. During a customs inspection, 21 gun grips, 5 adjustable folding holsters for an automatic weapon, 9 tactical holsters with an adjustable cushion, 9 rifle holsters, 21 rails for mounting special equipment on weapons were found. The parts are marked "83 OTK" and are possibly intended for firearms. The goods were detained to determine the product code, value and to verify whether the transported goods are military or dual purpose," said a statement from the Lithuanian customs agency.

An accompanying photograph showed a variety of gun parts in plastic bags.


Gun parts seized in Lithuania from Rusian resident of Latvia
Gun parts seized in Lithuania from Rusian resident of Latvia

In Latvia, the Directorate of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (PLMP) confirms that it will ask the State Police and the State Security Service to find out the identity of the individual and provide an opinion on whether they threaten public order or national security. If yes, the residence permit will be canceled and entry into Latvia will be denied.

Almost 3,000 temporary residence permits and more than 9,000 permanent residence permits have already been canceled this year, though the vast majority are for less alarming reasons such as being dismissed from the university, divorced, or not paying taxes, according to PMLP spokeswoman Madara Puķe.


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