Cargo of fake sneakers found in Latvian port

The Customs Administration of the State Revenue Service (VID) discovered a large quantity of counterfeit sports shoes in a shipment from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the Riga Freeport customs control point, VID said on June 14.

Another shipment contained counterfeit perfumery products with imitations of popular trademarks, the VID said. The total damage caused exceeds €217,000.

The cargo of counterfeit sports shoes was discovered in April this year by Riga Freeport staff while inspecting a shipment from the UAE destined for a consignee in Russia. It was found to contain 1,343 pairs of sports shoes bearing the allegedly counterfeit trademark "New Balance".

A representative of the trademark owners confirmed that the goods infringe the trademarks of New Balance Athletics, Inc. intellectual property rights and the goods should be destroyed.

The total damage caused to the right holders, after the value of the corresponding original goods, amounts to approximately EUR 134,300 thousand.

In April, customs officers inspected another container shipped from the UAE and found a large quantity of counterfeit perfumery goods. The consignee was a Lithuanian company. The authority found that it contained a significant quantity of possibly counterfeit perfumery goods. The consignor was a company from the United Arab Emirates and the consignee was a Lithuanian company. 

A representative of the trademark owners confirmed that the goods infringed the intellectual property rights of Puig France SAS and Chanel Sarl and should be destroyed. The total damage caused to right holders amounts to approximately €83 130.  

The VID noted that in the first five months of this year, 52 cases of counterfeit goods were detected as a result of controls on shipments and consignments. In 94% of the cases, counterfeit goods were detected in postal items.

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