Martial arts coach faces child sex abuse charges

The State Police has completed an investigation into a martial arts coach suspected of committing sexual violence against two students, who were minors at the time, last year and in 2013, reports LSM's Latvian language service.

The crime was committed in a foreign country, where the coach had gone with his students to participate in international competitions. A criminal proceeding has been initiated in connection with the incident.

Last year, the State Police received a complaint from the parents of a boy who alleged that during an international competition that took place in March 2023, he was sexually abused by his coach. The victim was 12 years old at the time of the crime. 

The State Police started an investigation of the incident and arrested the suspect. 

During the investigation, the law enforcement officers obtained information about another incident committed a long time ago. The police found out that in March 2013, when he was also abroad with the aim of participating in competitions, this coach had sexually abused another boy, who was 13 years old at the time. 

During a search and examination of the suspect's media, one photo containing child pornography was also found on his mobile phone. 

In connection with the incident, criminal proceedings have been initiated. 

The suspect had not previously been brought to the attention of police. He is currently banned from performing the duties of a coach, including a ban on giving any kind of lessons to minors, as well as a ban on approaching specific persons. 

Having obtained a sufficient set of evidence, on May 17 of this year, the State Police sent the criminal case to the Riga Northern Prosecutor's Office for the initiation of criminal prosecution against the suspect, who has not been publicly named, as is customary in the Latvian legal system. 

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