TechChill helps send another convoy to Ukraine

June 4 saw another aid convoy organized by the "Entrepreneurs for Peace" foundation set off for Ukraine, this time organized in cooperation with the startup and technology conference "TechChill", as well as the Ministry of Defense and the National Armed Forces.

In this batch. 14 vehicles donated by the Ministry of Defense and the National Armed Forces make up the convoy, while the necessary technical preparation for the cars and travel expenses will be covered from business donations.

Equipment being sent in the vehicles includes Latvia-manufactured drones, bringing the total sent by Entrepreneurs for Peace to more than 100. Minister of Defense Andris Sprūds was on hand to help see the vehicles on their way.

TechChill convoy to Ukraine, June 4, 2024
TechChill convoy to Ukraine, June 4, 2024

"As part of the convoy, a TechChill event will take place in Kyiv with the aim of establishing closer ties between the technology sectors of [Latvia and Ukraine] because we believe that we are stronger together," said Liva Pērkone, a member of the board of TechChill.

" It has been 831 days since the full-scale attack began and 831 days since Entrepreneurs for Peace have been providing assistance to Ukrainian defenders. By cooperating with the business community of Latvia and state institutions, the foundation continues to purposefully help in those positions that the armed forces of Ukraine need the most, including vehicles and drones," said Laura Skrodele, director of Entrepreneurs for Peace.

The Entrepreneurs for Peace fund has sent aid worth more than EUR 10.6 million to the armed forces and civilians of Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion, in cooperation with Latvian businesspeople, as well as the Ministry of Defense, the National Armed Forces, the State Police, the State Border Guard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other organizations, to strengthen defenders of Ukrainian freedom.

If you would like to donate to Entrepreneurs for Peace, you will find details here:

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