Latvian Border Guard to get new patrol ship

The Ministry of the Interior and the State Border Guard have signed an agreement on the purchase of a patrol vessel worth EUR 6.29 million for the needs of the State Border Guard, the Border Guard said in a statement on June 12.

The current vessels at the disposal of the Border Guard were built more than 40 years ago, so it is necessary to improve the Border Guard's ability to react promptly to threats by acquiring a newer patrol vessel, the Border Guard said.

According to the Border Guard, the new patrol vessel will strengthen maritime border surveillance capacity by increasing detection, control and response capabilities at the European Union's external border, as well as enhance skills to quickly and immediately address existing and potential security threats and provocations.

The total cost of the project is EUR 6,290,000, of which EUR 4,717,500 will be provided by the European Union's Border Management and Visa Instrument and EUR 1,572,000 by the State budget.

The project is planned to run until April 30 2025.

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