France and Italy join Latvia-led drone coalition for Ukraine

France and Italy are to add their considerable weights to the Latvian co-led Drone Coalition for Ukraine, the Latvian Ministry of Defense confirmed June 14.

From June 13 to 14 in Brussels, Belgium, during the meeting of the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group, Italy and France officially joined the drone coalition launched by Latvia and the United Kingdom by signing a letter of intent.

"We highly appreciate the decision of Italy and France to officially join the Ukrainian drone coalition. This is another confirmation of the determination of NATO members to support Ukraine until its victory. Likewise, the official addition of the two countries to the drone coalition will provide invaluable support in achieving the ambition," said Defense Minister Andris Sprūds.

Therefore, the drone coalition now officially includes 14 countries - Latvia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, France, Canada, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden, while the Czech Republic is in the process of joining. At the same time, other countries may also join the drone coalition. Until now, the members of the drone coalition have raised more than 500 million euros for the donation of drones to Ukraine.

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