Latvian universities maintain stable positions in world rankings

Three Latvian universities - Rīga Technical University, Rīga Stradiņš University, and the University of Latvia - have made it into the QS World University Rankings 2025 list published June 4, with lukewarm results.

The Riga Technical University ranks highest, in the 721-730 bracket, up slightly from the previous few years. 

The University of Latvia, which experienced a massive drop in 2022 and 2023, climbed last year and maintained a steady position in the 781-790 bracket this year. 

Meanwhile, Riga Stradins University has been on a slow downward slide for the past two years, ranking 951-1000.

RTU and RSU both did well on the International Students criterion, RSU ranking 133rd in the world and RTU 289th. Meanwhile, LU did better in employment outcomes and international research. 

The first five places in the global rankings are held by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, University of Oxford, Harvard University, and University of Cambridge.

The best Baltic performer is University of Tartu, which ranks in 358th place worldwide. Also, the Tallinn University of Technology (621-630) and the Tallinn University (1001-1200) are included on the list from Estonia.

Lithuania is represented by five universities: Vilnius University (439th place), Vytautas Magnus University (741-750), Kaunas University of Technology (751-760), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (851-900), and Mykolas Romeris University (1001-1200).

The full results can be seen at the QS website.

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