Rīga starts issuing newly renamed Latgales Street plates

Riga Municipality has produced street name and building address number signs with the name of Latgales (formerly Maskavas) Street, and from Monday, June 3, they can be received by building owners or managers, the municipality said.

On February 21, 2024, the Riga City Council adopted a decision to change the street names of Maskavas, Lomonosova, Puškina, Gogoļa, Ļermontova, Turgeņeva, and Tipogrāfijas streets, all of which except Tipogrāfijas (Typography) were reminiscent of the Soviet occupation or the Russian Empire.

To receive the new signs, building owners and managers are invited to book their visit at least one day in advance by calling 80000800 so that the center's staff can book the time and prepare the signs for the specific property in time. They can be picked up at the Riga Neighbourhood Residents' Centre at Daugavpils Street 31.

The new signs should be placed on the buildings within one week of receipt.

Taking into account that the process of replacing street name signs has not been so extensive so far, the Municipality expects that the issue and replacement of the new signs will continue throughout the summer.

The new street name and address signs have been issued to the addresses of Emīlija Benjamiņa and Lastādijas Streets since the end of March, and to the owners and operators of buildings in Jāņa Klīdzēja, Kārlis Mīlenbaha, Vilhelms Purvīša, Viļa Plūdoņa, Valērijas Seiles and Augusts Spariņa Streets since mid-April. In total, 77% of the addresses located in these streets have so far received signs, while signs with Latgales street names have already been issued to 30% of the addresses.

The production of signs with Latgales street names was particularly time-consuming as it is the second-longest street in Riga with a total of 575 addresses. 


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