Pick as many lupins as you like in Latvia

Usually it's the case that people are urged not to pick wild flowers, in order to preserve their habitats.

However, with lupin (Lupinus) season in full swing in Latvia, quite the opposite is the case – members of the public are being encouraged to pick as many lupins as they like.

A Facebook post by the Latvian Nature Fund (Latvijas Dabas fonds, LDF) points out that though beautiful and colorful, the lupin is an invasive species that has spread rapidly throughout Latvia in recent years. Therefore, people are free to pick as many as they want – there are certainly plenty of examples out there. The LDF made a similar call for liberal lupin plucking last year, too. 

Lupins bloom in a variety of colors from late May to mid-June, with purple the predominant color. They are most often found in little-used or abandoned meadows, along roadsides and railways, on slopes, forest edges and sparse pine forests.

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