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Atved un Rīgas centrā iestāda 12 metru garu akāciju

Photos: Huge acacia replanted in Rīga

The corner of Raiņa Boulevard and Barona Street was a parking lot on Wednesday, but on Thursday it is a bit of a green oasis. A huge 12-meter-tall acacia tree was dug up, transported, and replanted, Latvian Television reported.

It's as complicated as a delicate medical manipulation, but if we succeed, it will be easier to breathe in Rīga – that's what the planters had to say about the challenge of the night. A white acacia tree, around 80 years old, was dug up, transported and replanted from the Pierīga region using specialized transport, a crane and the handiwork of arborists. The story of the tree began on Wednesday evening in Babīte. 

The tree, which is at least 80 years old, was in the way of a shop's construction. The arborist organization Labie koki did not allow it to be cut down but dug it up and moved it to its own site - the Anna Tree School. The acacia took the fancy of a client, who was looking for trees for landscaping. 

"I like the giraffe tree, said the client!" says Edgars Neilands, head of Labie koki.

"It's like transplanting a heart to people [...] And during the summer, moving a tree with leaves is a huge challenge. That's why there's a net, we're glad it's pouring rain," Neilands said.

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