LTV's own livestreamed nest welcomes chicks

Happy events in the blue tit nest of the Latvian Television (LTV) News Service - on the morning of May 17 the first chicks were spotted. 

The tits started to inhabit the birdcage in Zaķusala this winter and started to build their nest in spring. They collected dry moss and lined the nest with dog fur and feathers from other birds.

The nest tenant was also named Mirdza. The alleged father, named Tīvī, was also seen a few times live on air.

On April 23 viewers were happy to see two eggs in the nest, but then four more came into view. On the morning of May 17 the first three chicks had arrived. Now Tīvī is supplying the food, which Mirdza is giving out to the little beaks.

Followers of the progress of the tits also exchange news on the "" forum, where they can get a chronological insight into how the nest was built and also share their observations.

You can watch the live stream here.

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