Conference to mark Yoga Day on June 21 in Latvia

The tenth International Day of Yoga will be celebrated in Latvia on June 21 with a practice session on the lawn of the Academic Center of the University of Latvia (LU) near the Nature House, followed by a conference "Creative Imagination as a Way to Liberation", the LU said.

The International Day of Yoga events in Latvia will start at 8:00 am at Jelgavas Street 1 - on the lawn of the Academic Center of the University of Latvia near the Nature House. The morning will begin with a brief explanation of the role of yoga in promoting physical and mental health, followed by a public demonstration of the morning practice of yoga, or the performance of asanas. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn a set of restorative exercises which they can then do independently every day.

Visitors are invited to gather on the lawn of the Faculty of Science Nature House from 7.30 am and bring exercise mats. People who already practise yoga are welcome, as well as those with no previous experience.

At 10:00 an international conference "Creative Imagination as a Path to Liberation" will start at the LU Nature House. Renowned experts in the field will share the latest scientific research findings on the benefits of yoga and Ayurveda for stress relief, health and cognitive function.

"At the conference we will discuss the positive effects of yoga on overall health, stress and emotion management, responsible and creative yoga practice. Participants will be invited to explore yoga as an algorithm for understanding and explaining the workings of a complex system such as the human body," said Professor Valdis Pīrāgs, Director of the Institute of International Studies in India at the University of Latvia.

The conference will take place in English. Everyone can participate in the activities with prior registration.

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